(Article VIII, Section 31, Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy)

Care Given By Christian Science Nurse . . .
- Accepting a case with the expectancy of complete and immediate healing;
- Giving care that is consistent with the theology and ethics of Christian Science;
- Loving reassurance of God’s tender care, ever-presence, and omnipotence; faithfully and consistently acknowledging man’s spiritual perfection;
- Christian encouragement of an individual’s expression of normal activity and natural vitality;
- Reading to or with an individual from the Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures 1 and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy; also, additional literature published by The Christian Science Publishing Society;
- Communication: maintaining an ethical, moral, and loving manner in all communications with the patient, family, friends, Christian Science practitioner, and others; observing ethical and legal requirements with regard to private information about the patient;
- Surroundings; maintaining an atmosphere that is conducive to spiritual healing and supportive of harmonious care;
- Personal care and bathing: assisting with all necessary care to meet the needs of cleanliness and comfort;
- Mobility: assisting with mobility including assisting with standing, walking, moving and settling with or without mobility aids or comfort items;
- Nourishment: preparing and modifying food; assisting with feeding; giving appropriate encouragement to eat;
- Cleansing/bandaging: cleansing, covering and bandaging, to provide for cleanliness, protection, support, and comfort;
- Instructing the patient or others in providing care for meeting individual needs;
- Being obedient to the laws of the land.
Does Not Include
- Making a medical diagnosis or prognosis;
- Assuming responsibility for making health care decisions for the patient;
- Administering medication, drugs or using medicated, herbal, or vitamin-based products and remedies;
- Using and administering medically oriented techniques or technology;
- Manipulation, massage, physical therapy;
- Intravenous or force-feeding;
- Assuming responsibility for a patient’s financial or household business transactions;
- Intruding on the private relationship between the patient and the Christian Science practitioner, or between the patient and his or her family;
- Giving personal advice and counsel.

Years In Service?
Years In Service?
How long has Morning Light Foundation been serving the community? We started in 1967 as a Visiting Christian Science nurse service. In 1999, we opened the Lodge to welcome individuals needing a home-like setting for care. In 2011, we expanded our outreach to the Savannah/Low country area with a second Visiting Christian Science nurse service.

How Do I Pay for Services?
How Do I Pay for Services?
How does one pay for Morning Light services? We work with you. We ask that you pay what you can, and we then help you to explore how one of the Christian Science foundations might help. After an assessment of the need, benevolence is often available. "Benevolence does not exist because of one's poverty, but because of one's giving."

Call Response Time?
Call Response Time?
How quickly can the Christian Science nurse respond to a call? When the telephone call is received, a few questions are asked to help determine how to meet the individual need. Sometimes the Christian Science nurse needs to gather a few things and come as soon as possible. Other times, care may not be needed right away, and it may be determined that a visit can be arranged for the next day, or even later in the week. The most important thing is for you to feel free to give us a call when you feel you have a need, and know that we will help you.

What if there is an emergency? Knowing that "Divine Love always has met and always will neet every human need" (S&H 1 p.494) assures us that God is always present to help. Morning Light is a resource, and can assist the caller to find appropriate, proper care to meet a need. Christian Science nurses are available by phone 24/7, and will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible. If Morning Light cannot meet the need, we will provide information about other resources.

What if there is a need to call in the middle of the night? Do call whenever you need help from our Christian Science nurses. Morning Light Foundation's Journal-listed Christian Science nurses are on call 24 hours 7 days a week to provide Christian Science Nursing care in Georgia.

Practitioner Use?
Practitioner Use?
When should I call a Christian Science practitioner? Prayerful treatment from a Christian Science practitioner is the first step in getting help when working out a challenge in Christian Science. Morning Light requests that patients have already engaged a Journal-listed practitioner before we accept a case.

Care Eligibility?
Care Eligibility?
Can someone receive Christian Science nursing that lives in an assisted living facility that is not for Christian Scientists? Yes! we provide care for individuals in their "home" - wherever that might be, and support the integrity of the patient's desire to rely on Christian Science for healing. We are always mindful of our role, and respect the policies of the facility. These are opportunities to share with others about Christian Science, and how our religion provides proper care and support for church members.

Lodge Benefits?
Lodge Benefits?
What are the benefits of coming to the Lodge? Sometimes the layout of the home may pose challenges for providing care - such as stairs, distances, or other inconveniences. There may be an active family household, and the need is for a quiet sanctuary with support and privacy. Morning Light Lodge is a haven, and a sanctuary for healing.

Stay at Home?
Stay at Home?
What if the person would rather stay at home? We will do all we can to accommodate the individual's needs and wishes, while upholding the standard in the Church Manual to demonstrate "practical wisdom" and provide "proper care". Morning Light can bring necessary equipment, and sometimes other Christian Science nurses can assist, depending on the situation. But most importantly, the goal is to establish an uplifting, healing environment; an atmosphere that is calm, peaceful, and orderly, where proper care can be provided.

Care for Children?
Care for Children?
Does Morning Light provide care for children? Yes we do. We require that both parents give written permission before providing care, and that a parent is always present with the child.
Our Newsletters & Talks
The Psalms and Christian Science Nursing: Inseparable Partners for Healing
A talk by Madelon Maupin during Morning Light 2024 Annual Meeting
2024 Annual Meeting Announcement
You are cordially invited to attend Morning Light’s Annual Meeting November 9, 2024 at 2:00 pm First Church of Christ, […]
The Science of Christian Healing
The Science of Christian Healing, Address to Morning Light Foundation Annual Meeting by Nikki Paulk, C. S
2023 Annual Meeting Announcement
Save the date for Morning Light's Annual Meeting November 11, 2023 at 2pm. Keynote Speaker Nikki Paulk, C.S. Venue: First Church of Christ, Scientist, 150 15th St. NE Atlanta, Ga. 30309
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Morning Light Foundation, Inc.
P. O. Box 570624
Atlanta, GA 30357
Morning Light Lodge
2535 Bankstone Drive SW
Marietta, GA 30064
Christian Science Nursing Services: (770) 794-0247
For those relying on Christian Science for healing, Morning Light Foundation’s Journal 1-listed Christian Science nurses are on call 24 hours 7 days a week to provide Christian Science Nursing care in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Northern Florida.